Home Resources Articles (Archives) Statehouse Still Stalled on Ohio’s Marijuana Legislation

Statehouse Still Stalled on Ohio’s Marijuana Legislation

Ohio voters approved legalizing marijuana for adult use on November 7, 2023, and that law went into effect on December 7. However, the Ohio Statehouse has been working on legislative proposals and revisions in an effort to navigate the complexities of enacting and administrating this new law in Ohio.

In our last issue, we noted some key revisions reflected in Senate Bill 86 passed by the Senate in December. The Ohio House has proposed House Bill 354 with its own approach to revisions and additions to the law.

As it currently stands, no further movement has taken place, which has prompted Governor Dewine, in an interview with Ohio newspaper editors to ask the Legislature to get back together, start talking about this and to take action.

Remember, at this time, the current law as passed by the voters still supports employers in your decision to implement and maintain your current drug-free workplace policies and practices around the use, possession and distribution of marijuana.

Working Partners® will continue to remain diligent in following reputable sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information to ensure that YOU are supported and accurately informed of the ever-changing Ohio Cannabis Law!

Continue to stay alert to upcoming updates and information from Working Partners®, and of course call for support with any immediate issue or incident.


DISCLAIMER: This publication is designed to provide accurate information regarding the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that those involved in the publication are not engaged in rendering legal counsel. If legal advice is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.