Home Ohio’s Marijuana Legislation Stalled at Statehouse

Ohio’s Marijuana Legislation Stalled at Statehouse

Our initial anticipation of the legislature moving swiftly to conclude the revisions of the HB86 has since pivoted onto a more leisurely route. Further negotiations of this bill are not projected to resume course until 2024.

Here is what we know – Among others, HB 86 would make these modifications to Issue 2:

  • Home Grow: Limits the amount of marijuana per residence to 6 plants, down from the Issue 2 allowance of 12.
  • Potency: Retain 35 percent THC content for plants and decrease from 90 percent to 50 percent for THC extracts (like edibles).
  • Timeline for Legal Purchase: Would allow citizens to purchase marijuana at existing medical dispensaries immediately after the bill is passed
  • Public Smoking: Imposes a “NO SMOKING” public ban, which was not included in Issue 2.

In the meantime, employers, the current law still supports employers in their decision to implement and maintain your current drug-free workplace policies and practices around the use, possession and distribution of marijuana.

Working Partners® will continue to remain diligent in following reputable sources for the most accurate and up-to-date information to ensure that YOU are supported and accurately informed of the ever-changing Ohio Cannabis Law!

Stay alert to upcoming updates and information from Working Partners®, and of course call for support with any immediate issue or incident.