Home Resources Leadership Briefings Tool shows impact of drug abuse on business

Leadership Briefing

Tool shows impact of drug abuse on business

Employers agree that substance abuse is a workplace problem, but most don’t believe it is an issue in THEIR workplace.

There’s a new tool that may help break through that veil of denial – the Substance Use Cost Calculator for Employers. Using employee count and industry type, the calculator not only shows how much substance use costs an employer, but also shares

  • How many people are likely impacted by substance abuse.
  • How one’s industry compares to others.
  • The types of drugs likely being used.

Employers don’t want to hear this, but its true – substance abuse is probably in their workplace too. In fact, the rate of positive workplace drug tests increased for the fourth straight year, reaching the highest level in 12 years.

Prescription drug and heroin abuse get a lot of press, and according to a recently released study abuse of these drugs in the workplace is actually starting to decline. But you’ll be surprised at what other drugs are gaining serious ground.

So what are businesses to do to protect and educate themselves and their employees?

  1. Acknowledge that substance abuse can and likely does impact their workplace.
  2. Operate a comprehensive drug-free workplace.

Read more about the substances being abused in the workplace and what can be done.